― J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan
Time is chasing us. They are getting older. The slight remembrances of your own youth. Are they good memories? Do you aspire to have your children be as happy as you once were? We have this problem nowadays that we try to make our kids grow up faster than they need to. Its not really our fault. The media has made us think that our kids need to be smarter than the next kid and - oh yeah - at a younger age. We buy into it because its easy to believe that your kids can have more than what you had and they will be able to go farther in life than you did. They will get that Master's degree in some really smart topic in school and you will be very proud because they made it farther than you. (Of course this is assuming that you have not done those miraculous things- as much of us have not…but I digress.) Although there is nothing wrong with wanting more for your kids than you had, it causes a problem. Children these days are losing their youth.
I blame myself for my kids not acting like "kids". I don't force them to go outside. I always make them do things they don't want to do just because it will make my life easier. It is a never-ending cycle. I get so mad when my kids leave things on the floor and when they don't pick up after themselves. But one day I realized that it doesn't matter. All that stuff will get done eventually. All they want is to be loved and have fun. Everything else will follow.
"But sometimes a person we love through no fault of his own, can't see
past the end of his nose."
Mary Poppins
Don't let this be you. Let your kids be kids and let them experience life as it is now and not as you wish it to be for them later. My goal of 2014 is to focus on the now. Focus on my kids and focus on their (and my) happiness. Its a funny thing when you look at your life from above. You see things that maybe you weren't able to see before. I suggest you try it. Try acting more like a child and let them have fun…with you. Thats the important part. That is what they want the most. So as I understand the importance of doing the laundry and picking up after your kids and making sure they do their homework- understand that life happens and you don't want to be the one caught up in the future only to realize you've missed the past.
So this blog post (and some future ones this year) will be dedicated to my kids and the fact that I realize there was a time that they "were here". Lets celebrate it. Don't look forward for it to be over. Don't lose sight of who they are now and most importantly don't ever ask them to change.
If you like reading about "my kids were here" and you want more please follow this link. My dear new friend Andrea will explain this topic in her own words. It will be an amazing read I guarantee. Continue on in the blog circle until you reach me again. Have some fun while you are surfing the web. Don't be so serious.
If you want to see more of my work please visit my website or follow me on pinterest. But if you just want to chat then leave a comment here or email me here.
My love always and forever…